Safadi: Tripoli Clashes Response to Government Formation


Finance Minister Mohammed Safadi stated on Saturday that the clashes that erupted in Tripoli on Friday came as a response to the government formation.

He said after holding talks with Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Economy Minister Nicolas Nahhas at the Grand Serail that the cabinet was a product of parliament’s will.

Earlier on Saturday, Safadi issued a statement praising the strict military and security procedures at the Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen neighborhoods in Tripoli that helped end the unrest that erupted on Friday.

He also commended in a statement Miqati’s “effective action that also ended the clashes,” reported the National News Agency on Saturday.

“The army will be firm in confronting any side that attempts to tamper with Lebanon’s stability and those seeking to incite strife,” he added.

“The violations of Lebanon’s security and murder of soldiers and innocent civilians must no longer go unpunished,” Safadi stressed.

Furthermore, the minister called for putting an end to “the irresponsible incitement that fuels strife,” saying that dialogue is the only way to resolve disputes.

Clashes broke out on Friday between gunmen from the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen when the former staged a demonstration in support of the Syrian people, while the latter staged one in support of the Syrian regime.

Six people were killed in the clashes, including a Lebanese soldier.

Comments 8
Default-user-icon bla bla bla (Guest) over 13 years

2003 - Lebanese Prosecutor-General Adnan Addoum charged Aoun with actions and comments that harm Lebanon's relations with a brotherly country (Syria) and spreading false reports that aim to weaken the state's prestige and standing.'' Aoun was also accused of inciting sectarian strife in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Ali (Guest) over 13 years

I find it ridiculous to hear this man and his like talk about the army taking firm measures and "hitting with an iron fist" those behind the clashes. Were was the army when Amal and Hizbullah thugs murdered innocent people in May a few years back? Where was the army in the bourj Abi haider clashes? Oh, excuse me.... the resistance was involved in these clashes against Israeli agents and traitors... So, in those cases killing innocent people was justified!!!! What a bunch of hypocrites you all are.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

Serious , responsable and respectable people are now at the grand sérail the minstry of finance and at the economy too . This is the will of the majority of the Lebanese ..

For once , we have a strong and capable Council of ministers . The terrorists have no more hideaways in Lebanon , their supports and sponsors are gone for good ... 20 years of Harirism are enough ...

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) over 13 years

Mr. Safadi, do your people and doTripoli a huge favor: Bring in some garbage trucks and clean Tripoli from the Syrian thugs and outlaws which has been colonizing the great city of Tripoli. Oh, one more thing, stop flip flopping , will you?

Missing peace over 13 years

who has told the alaouites to settle in tripoli if not the assad family? Who has persecuted the north if not the the assad regime?
those aounists forgot the time when they were persecuted and sent to syria to be tortured by the very same regime they are now praising!!!!
AH! yes i forgot! the orange general told their mothers to forget them and that they were no lebanese prisoners in syria!!!
the aounists forgot the time when their beloved terrorist leader told the world that as long as the assad family reign in syria no peace will come to lebanon!!

le phenicien seem to forget that when he tells us that the syrian gvt in lebanon is the best ever!!!
le phenicien has forgotten that his general went to beg the US senate to pass the 1559 resolution!
le phenicien has forgoten all the tortures that the true aounists have suffered from the syrian regime that he is backing now!!!

poor aounists.... they all suffer from alzheimer or they are so idiot and brainwashed now by persian dollars!

Default-user-icon Nabil (Guest) over 13 years

Peace, the Asad family told the Alewite to settle in Tripoli? How about the hundreds of thousands of Syrian Armenians and other Christians who have settled in Lebanon in the last was because of Assad? At the meeting in belgium, the brotherhood did not invite a single opposition who was Christian, Alewite. or Communist. The Christian community in Syria have TOTALLY refused to support the bigoted opposition.

Default-user-icon Northerner (Guest) over 13 years

Who has persecuted the North, Mr. "peace"? Well, Geagae massacered Christians in Ehden and Muslims at the "barbara crossing". The Sunni Tawheed massacred persons in Mina, Tripoli...Should I continue?

Default-user-icon Ossama (Guest) over 13 years

Le Phoenician
1 day ago 1 1

Serious , responsable and respectable people are now at the grand sérail the minstry of finance and at the economy too . This is the will of the majority of the Lebanese ..

For once , we have a strong and capable Council of ministers . The terrorists have no more hideaways in Lebanon , their supports and sponsors are gone for good ... 20 years of Harirism are enough ...

Le Phoenician

Lebanon belongs to Lebanese NOT TO SYRIANS OR TO IRANIANS .