Ahmed Hariri: Saad Hariri’s Convoy was Recently Subjected to Tight Surveillance

Al-Mustaqbal movement Secretary-General Ahmed Hariri confirmed that former Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s convoy was closely monitored after a report said that the Syrian regime was planning to assassinate him.

“The security caution taken by Hariri is very serious,” Ahmed Hariri told pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat in remarks published Sunday.

“We have information that Hariri’s convoy was recently subjected to tight surveillance,” he said, adding that the data is with Lebanese security agencies and not al-Mustaqbal movement.

“Security is an obsession for us and since (former Prime Minister) Rafik Hariri’s assassination we are taking the necessary precautions,” Ahmed Hariri told Asharq al-Awsat.

His remarks came after the French daily Liberation said that the Syrian regime plotted to assassinate Saad Hariri.

Turning to the local dispute between March 8 and 14 officials, the Mustaqbal secretary-general accused Free Patriotic Movement chief Michel Aoun of turning into a corporal in the Mahdi army.

He said Aoun was provoking the former Premier the same way Marada movement leader Suleiman Franjieh provoked MP Jebran Tueni who returned from Paris and was assassinated in December 2005.

He said the current situation of Saad Hariri is similar to his father’s.

“Back then they advised PM Rafik Hariri to leave the country and this is what’s happening today with Saad Hariri although what we are witnessing now is worse,” he added.

Comments 16
Missing mansour over 13 years

to be honest not that i care for the Hariri family but if Syria does try and kill him lol not even god himself can save em...are that stupid to actually even try it.Thank you

Default-user-icon to mansour (Guest) over 13 years

well mansour, they killed gebran, hawi, and many others, and what happened? did they pay for it? no. They can do whatever they want because they can always convince their sheeple to believe that isreal did it.

Thumb Marc over 13 years

Look what they are doing to their own citizens? They were warned from day 1 it would back fire, and did they stop?

Default-user-icon libnani (Guest) over 13 years

Nice B.S, piece. If you are going to report such drivel why not report on the fact that Hariri and his telephone company were the ones who have been infiltrating Syria through Turkey? Why not mention the support he and his Kuwaiti cronies have been funneling money to the Salafi's the past three at $500 a month to be ready? But of course he was never in the country as "PM" so good riddance, stay in Jehanem!

Default-user-icon Sam D Seal (Guest) over 13 years

They miscalculated the first time around with the father. They've been paying the price since and will continue to do so until this particular regime falls. It will take time, but they cannot hold on forever.

Default-user-icon Bousso (Guest) over 13 years

Why would he be afraid if he's innocent??? If he's scared then its because he has something to do with what is happening is Syria right now... Its a logical conclusion...

Thumb ado.australia over 13 years

Mehdi army... I am yet to hear any statement from mustaqbul that doesn't have a sectarian tone to it. As for Syria trying to assassinate saadadine, no one is that stupid to believe they would. These are Empty people.

Thumb tabasco over 13 years

the syrian baath is repeating the policy of abdul hamid sarraj who used to assassinate his people and others . remember attalah el helu who ws put in acid and ghassan jdeed who was shot on the srteets of beirut .
these are the real criminals !!

Default-user-icon Fadlo (Guest) over 13 years

But when they remotely scanned his head they found it hollow!

Default-user-icon who is saad hariri? (Guest) over 13 years

I don't care abt hariri. I don't care abt stl. I don't want Michel aoun's vengences. I don't care abt liberating Palestine. I want a bridge from BCD to tabarja. I want to explore for gas off the coast. I want to build wind farms. I want to clean up the streets to attract tourists to create jobs to create a middle class to kill the need for weapons and to create a stable society.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

ONE WAY TICKET .. Saad will neverrrrrrr come back to Lebanon . He is politically finished and his party called al mustakbal will soon close down ... many of his MP's will join other groups to survive politically ... and some others like Ahmad Hariri will join him in his exile ..

Bye Bye ya helween ;;; GMA won all the battles and today he won the WAR .

Default-user-icon georges (Guest) over 13 years

yeah they would, the real threat for assad family is the suni and it was always.. Alaoui are a minority rulling for more than 40 years, remember what happened in tripoli in the 80's when sunies were going to take over the power in syria. Hariri can play a major role by bringing all the sunies in syria to his side, and it's easier now with awhat's happening and the death of his father, and that's why he has to be liquidated,after that if you are so dumb to understand what are the international politics and you leek of history and facts about how our countries had their independences and all the hidden pacts between israel and Assad for Golan and Israel and Hezballa for maintaining the frontiers from the palestinian threat who sold his cause years ago dont post comments Ado, and the funniest thing ever is mossad spies in hezballa ranks like if hezballa wasn't an ally of Israel and securing her frontiers from suni.

Default-user-icon Ghassan (Guest) over 13 years

whether Saad is under threat by the Syrian intelligence or not, i believe he stepped into a game much bigger than him. Lebanon has always been an unforgiving place an arena for struggle, and if u can't talk the talk then u sure as hell shouldn't walk the walk. Mr. Harriri Jr. and all the millions that his father embezzled should live happily ever after away from the swamp that his father created, and leave us to deal with the aftermath of the Taef accord. Any more attempts to embezzle some more, should get him in serious trouble that neither he nor his gulf friends would be able to deal with. Mr. Saad, With all Due cordiality and and respect, as a Lebanese citizen, PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE, Go ride your Harley in Riyadh , and if u want to set foot in this place, come as a tourist, because your political legacy is as smelly as vomit. We are sick of the sectarian tension you have and still are creating among our fellow Lebanese, just leave, nuff said

Default-user-icon Qawmi Assad (Guest) over 13 years

Comrade Qawmi John, Gebran Tueni and Antoine Ghanem did not believe the threats on their lives were real either.

Missing peace over 13 years

isn t it funny the way all those lebanese who go against syria or hezbollah are threatened or worse killed?

And those proud aounists are happy to be their new allies!

ah! i remember when their leader struggled decades to prove that syria and the hezb were gangs of terrorists responsible for the destruction of lebanon, now they are the ones who are nice and democrats and all those against are terrorists belonging to an us israeli plot against lebanon!!!
i remember when orange face told that syria killed hariri and all the others, now that he has sold his soul to the hizb it s israel who is responsible and saying the contrary is politization of the STL!

have you forgotten little aounists ? how can you explain that? or does it mean that before aoun was a liar now he has seen the light?

politics is not about killing your opponent, it s about proving your ideas are better, but we know that you have no ideas but hatred and frustration..

Default-user-icon georges (Guest) over 13 years

They have ideas, coming from dayr l salib.. and how could you do politics when you have a GMA in front barking like a dog and saying that 1+1= -521 ?
M 14 are the really fools in this story cos they are focusing on a clown called michel aoun and leaving Nassralla do whatever he wants, that's the problem..Aounist aren't a problem, badon 3ossara and it's over with them the real threat is nassralla ...