Al-Rahi Heads to Vatican, Says he Blessed New Cabinet when Formation Decrees were Signed


Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi said Sunday that he gave his blessing to the new cabinet when President Michel Suleiman and Premier Najib Miqati signed the decrees of its formation.

Before heading to the Vatican, al-Rahi said the government should meet the expectations of the Lebanese and its top priority should be to restore trust and unity among the people.

“This cabinet is made up of Lebanese and those Lebanese are responsible for what we need in Lebanon,” he said, hoping that the government would be allowed to function.

Asked by reporters at Rafik Hariri international airport about Speaker Nabih Berri’s decision to give up a Shiite seat in favor of the Sunnis to facilitate the cabinet formation process, the patriarchate said: “If this was the major obstacle that was preventing the formation of the government and if Speaker Berri solved it, then we thank him for it.”

About the latest fighting that erupted between Alawites and Sunnis in the northern port city of Tripoli, al-Rahi said: “We support security and peace among all peoples whether it was in the north, in Syria or any other country.”

Turning to drills that Israeli forces would hold on the border with Lebanon, the head of the Maronite church said he rejects violence and war. “States should respect the international legitimacy,” he said about international resolutions.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

God bless our Patriarch AL-RAÏ , that is on the same wave as the official Christian and Maronite leader ; GMA .
Thank god his predecessor is gone , thanks to his holiness Pope Benedict , that " forced " him to resign .
Today we can see all those that ruled the country for the last 20 years , ousted at the same time , and replaced by the representatives of the real majority ..
GMA has won all the battles since he came back in 2005 ! Today he won the WAR " alone " against Hariri and all his gang and his international and Saudi petrodollar support .

Allah Kbir ! w ente ya general kbir ktir ...

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) over 13 years

What? haddadouk kaman? lawayn herben?
Rejeet layali zaman?

Default-user-icon Robby (Guest) over 13 years

But Dr. Criminal told us that those who were happy to see Sfeir leave will be disappointed because Al Rahi (God bless this uniter) will be even tougher than Sfeir!!! min addak ya 7akim el falso. Anybody counting Dr. Criminal's stupid predictions? Anybody still believing in his freakiness?

Thumb joeleb over 13 years

Le Phenicien! I had to comment on your post! The previous Patriarch was the voice of the Lebanese, without him the Christians in Lebanon would have been driven into the sea!
You are saying all those that ruled for the past 20 years were ousted at the same time!? How could you have missed the ministers of Jumblat or Berri? Berri has been in power for the past 20 years, holding Lebanon in his palm! don't you see him in power? bull!
As for your general, when he came back we all supported him! but then he joined hands with Lebanon's worst and true enemies, Hizbullah and Syria, since then he is a dog like them. Had it not been for the weapons of HA he would have been in the dumpster.
Wake up and smell the roses, do you think HA give two cents about the general? they are using him as a Christian screen for their acts and their plans: to turn Lebanon into a Shiite state, and he is helping them without even knowing it!
Please change your name from Le Phenicien to Le Syrien, it fits you better