Raad Says Cabinet Formation Premature


Hizbullah MP Mohammed Raad revealed on Friday that it was premature to form the new government and criticized Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat for making a proposal whose success is not guaranteed

In remarks to Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5), Raad said a proposal to form a de facto government had been suggested by Premier-designate Tammam Salam since he was tasked with forming the cabinet.

President Michel Suleiman also hinted to it during his Army Day speech two weeks ago, he said.

But Raad, who is the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc, expressed skepticism at Jumblat's stance on the issue.

“We don't know whether he is ready to vote on this proposal because he is making a suggestion without confirming whether he would be able to guarantee a (parliamentary) majority for it,” the lawmaker told VDL.

Jumblat told Egypt’s Middle East News Agency MENA on Wednesday that he “will study the available options, including a neutral de facto cabinet, should a neutral technocratic one be rejected.”

“I do not want to take the risk in advocating a de facto government as I was among the first to demand the establishment of a national unity cabinet that Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam had described as one of national reconciliation,” he said.

In remarks to As Safir daily the next day, Salam reiterated that he is seeking to come up with a cabinet that is “compatible with the requirements of the nation's interest.”

He did not confirm whether he would go ahead with forming a fait accompli government after his attempts to form a cabinet of rival political figures have faced major obstacles over conditions and counter-conditions set by the bickering March 8 and March 14 alliances.

Comments 10
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower almost 11 years

Bless you Jihadist Raaaad for sticking to your guns. Yes, it is premature to form a government. We, the majority of the Lebanese 99.999% do not need a government of thieves and Jihadists. People are living the best years of their lives: They have security, peace, stability, savings, tourists, growth, exports, medical care, stable currency and reserves, and they can travel to any country and they are welcomed not as terrorists. Those calling for the speedy formation of a government to tackle social and political issues are paid salafists and zionists. Tfehhhhh

Default-user-icon Borat (Guest) almost 11 years

premature retardation

Thumb geha almost 11 years

threats and more threats coming from a terrorist Iranian thug.
this is actually what we are living with.
do they expect any Lebanese to accept them?
the day when they will be wiped from the face of this earth will be our glorious day.

Missing samiam almost 11 years

hizb iran just doesn't want a government--it likes the strife.

Thumb shab almost 11 years

Reeking filthy militia

Missing helicopter almost 11 years

If Raad said it is premature, then it must be so. He is He head of the loyalty to the resistance bloc (ie. Nasrallah) and Nasrallah is head of the loyalty to Iran bloc. So Iran must think it is premature to form the Government.

Default-user-icon Dany (Guest) almost 11 years

what a bunch of idiots. Long live Lebanon. You are all so full of hatred

Thumb beiruti almost 11 years

There has been no government in Lebanon since Mikati resigned on March 25 of this year. We are now into the 5th month with no government and into the second month of a Parliament that has over stayed its mandate.

What is premature about trying to form a government now??
And besides, a Hezbollah member should have no opinion about anything to do with the institutions of the Lebanese Republic. Hezbollah, by its actions in Syria and in Lebanon has shown by its deeds that it has no regard whatsoever for the Lebanese Republic, her constitution, laws, political system or government. Hezbollah is an outlyer and as such should be happy with observer status in Lebanon. It should have no say until it is prepared to live under the rule of law of the Republic of Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) almost 11 years

Screw Hizballah and form a government any way. The worst thing that can happen is the non functional instutution will function and Mr raad, saad, hassan and Hussein won't have a say. I am all for calling their bluff.

Thumb Maxx almost 11 years

"Premature". That's what his wife said nine months before his kids were born...