Syrian Ambassador Says Damascus Keen to Maintain Stability in Lebanon


Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali stressed on Saturday that his country is seeing to maintain stability in Lebanon.

“Syria is keen to preserve Lebanon and its resistance,” Abdul Karim said after talks with Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun in Rabieh.

He accused the United States of “trying to divide the region to maintain Israel's stability.”

Analysts say the bloody conflict that is tearing Syria apart is spilling into neighboring Lebanon, pitting supporters of the Damascus regime against its opponents.

Tensions have grown between Sunnis, who mostly support the rebellion against the regime of Bashar Assad, and Shiites, who back his government.

Tripoli in particular has been riven by often deadly strife over the Syria conflict between Sunnis and Alawites, a Shiite offshoot sect from which Assad hails.

Asked about the fate of Syrian refugees, the ambassador stressed that his country is coordinating with the Lebanese state.

He called on the Syrian refugees to return to their country as the state will provide them with a safe shelter in safe zones and with all their needs.

Abdul Karim accused the countries that are aiding the Syrian refugees are also funding “terrorism.”

Over 700,000 Syrian refugees have registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Lebanon.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Grumpy (Guest) over 11 years

One wanders when a guy like that will defect?and who will accept him ?Get out of my country you big liar

Thumb general_puppet over 11 years

“Syria is keen to preserve Lebanon and its resistance,”... You and the Iranian militia are keen on preserving each other but neither of you care about Lebanon... Aoun you coward, why don't you confront Ali about the car bombs?

Thumb justice over 11 years

Confront him? If he had any dignity or self-respect or one ounce of patriotism he will never receive this creature!

Missing samiam over 11 years

why again isn't their embassy in dahiya

Missing lebanese_uae over 11 years

still he has face to talk about friendship ??
they have a fish memory may be or they think people has such memory
just yesterday the evidences showed that the Syrian regime and "stupids, not intelligence" was behind the car bombs...
it is better for him to shut up and leave the country and no body should open the door for him in Lebanon otherwise we will consider him his helper.

Thumb scorpyonn over 11 years

What a charade!

Default-user-icon Veronique (Guest) over 11 years

Is not his fault, its the fault of the traitors that receive him