Army, UNIFIL Go on Alert as Israel Tries to Enter Disputed Area in Adaisseh


An Israeli force on Tuesday attempted to open the metal gate between the Misgav Am settlement and the eastern entrance of the southern town of Adaisseh with the aim of conducting repair works in an area disputed by Lebanon, the Lebanese National News Agency reported.

The Israeli army brought a bulldozer amid “strict security protection from troops and around seven military vehicles,” NNA said, adding that the soldiers opened the gate and sent a tracker dog through it for a period of time before closing it again.

The move was accompanied by Israeli overflights at medium altitude above the border areas and above Marjeyoun, Hasbaya, Mount Hermon and the Bekaa, the agency added, noting that an unmanned Israeli drone hovered over Marjeyoun and the nearby areas.

“The Israeli army intensified its patrols along the border with Lebanon, from the Metulla axis and the Fatima cement wall to the Kfarshouba Hills and the occupied (Shebaa) Farms,” NNA said.

It noted that the Lebanese army and the UNIFIL peacekeeping force “went on alert on the Lebanese side of the border, took precautionary measures and monitored the hostile moves on the other side of the border.”

Comments 19
Thumb benzona over 11 years

So basically , nothing happened...... A German Shepherd (apparently Jewish according to HA sources) came to sniff our green land and returned to his country. Waouw


Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

stop insinuating jewsishness has anything to do with anything. it's a political, colonial, military entity that is attacking us and threatening us every day.

Thumb benzona over 11 years


I wasn't aware of it. I don't think the terrorist teenagers screening cars in Beirut are Jews.

Thumb zahle1 over 11 years

Compared to what we have suffered from Israel as Lebanese, nothing happened, but would think it would be a big deal if Iranian planes and drones flew over US airspace. So yes this is newsworthy.

Thumb primesuspect over 11 years

I was told that the holy victory of 2006 put an end 2 this. no more terrestrial or aerial incursions from the zionist enemy. did some1 lie 2 us? Could Saint Hassan be wrong? Noooo noooo noooo, He's our leader, our commander, our protector,,, he cant be wrong or deceitful because he's holy!

Missing phillipo over 11 years

"holy" in this context means "full of holes".

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

really primesuspect? before 2006 we had yearly summer bombardments and regular massacres (like the multiple Qana massacres for instance).
today all they can do is walk a dog for a few minutes and run back behind the line. if you dont see a difference it means you clearly never was on the receiving end of their bombs.

Thumb Maxx over 11 years

Really, Mowaten? Between 2000 and 2006 the only bombardments we had from the Israelis were in retaliation to continuing pestering from Hizb. The "regular massacres" that you mention were confined to the two Qanas; the second Qana massacre in 2006 happened as a result of Hizb-Iran unilaterally dragging Lebanon into a war with Israel. The aftermath of that is that Hizb doesn't dare to launch missiles into Israel, the Israeli North is finally calm, while South Lebanon is still open to daily violations by the Israelis. So much for your "divine victory".

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

oh yea right, i forgot that HA taking prisoners, in order to get the release of prisoners that have been rotting in israeli jails for over two decades, was a good reason to bomb Qana after the UN informed israeli it was a refugee camp full of children and women.

and in case you missed it, the israelis admitted that they were weeks away from launching a war anyway, it had been approved in the US congress the previous summer.

also FYI, it's not just south lebanon but all of lebanon's airspace which is being violated by israeli warplanes, but they dont dare bomb anymore.

finally you should decide, either you want HA to launch missiles "unilaterally" or not. as far as they're concerned, they are in a defensive posture right now, and just a few weeks ago they stopped an israeli commando trying to infiltrate lebanon. a few dozen meters is as far as they could go :)

Missing george710 over 11 years

I don't see why you should complain if they are doing repairs seems like a nice gesture to me. Not like Lebanon can afford to fix anything anyways.

Thumb Senescence over 11 years

Your lordly pretensions are most unwelcome. If Israel is so compassionate and humanitarian, maybe it should review its massacres in Gaza and elsewhere, while give Palestinians their land in the meantime.

Lebanon is a sovereign country and does not need Israeli intrusion into its land.

Thumb kanaanljdid over 11 years

Don't worry 7abibi, Palestinians in Israel and in the West Bank even have 24h electricity and are not threaten by a filthy militia.

Thumb Senescence over 11 years

Regardless, '7abibi', Israel should do things other than opening gates ( with full backup from soldiers and warplanes of course) and such in Lebanon.

Missing george710 over 11 years

Lebanon can not protect itself the holy resistance is all off on jihad.

Thumb _mowaten_ over 11 years

try us.

Thumb Maxx over 11 years

That's because the "resistance" has its priorities, and Syria's welfare comes before Lebanon.

Missing phillipo over 11 years

Sit down and talk peace.............with Israel. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Thumb Maxx over 11 years

We would, but should we (as in, the peace-seeking Lebanese) do any such thing we would have Iranian-controlled elements in our country out to kill us. We suffer from this plague as much as you; more, actually, since you at least get occasional respite from this cancer that's devouring Lebanon, while we have to live with it and under perennial threat of its guns. Shanah tovah to you in the meanwhile.

Thumb benzona over 11 years

Max, according to the law, you spoke to the enemy and deserve death penalty.... Unless you're a friend of Aoun like fayez Karam.