Hamadeh: We Demand that STL Clause in Policy Statement Be Immediately Amended

Hamadeh to MP Jumblat: The STL did not protect your father, Kamal, but it protected you, Walid. almost 13 years
Hamadeh: We demand Miqati to return to the national charter and the Doha Accord and erase the term “in principle” in the STL clause in the policy statement. almost 13 years
Hamadeh: No, PM Miqati, your friend was not killed “in principle” but he was assassinated by explosives. Those behind the ugliest crime are about to be uncovered, so why is the STL being so fiercely attacked? almost 13 years
Hamadeh: We’re worried about Lebanon because it is falling victim to failing regimes and it’s unfortunate that chaos is reigning in the country. almost 13 years
Hamadeh: We’re worried about Lebanon, the Lebanese, and the country’s diversity after it became completely hostage to the mentality of force. almost 13 years
MP Marwan Hamadeh: Isn’t justice owed to the martyrs as the policy statement has only voiced initial support to the STL? almost 13 years
Hamadeh: It’s unfortunate that we are taking Lebanon to where the Arabs have just escaped. almost 13 years

March 14 MP Marwan Hamadeh demanded on Tuesday Prime Minister Najib Miqati to amend the clause on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in the government policy statement and return to the national charter and the Doha Accord.

He said during the parliament session aimed at discussing the government’s policy statement: “The term of ‘in principle’ should be dropped from the statement because it means that the truth will be abandoned.”

“No, PM Miqati, your friend [former Premier Rafik Hariri] was not killed ‘in principle’ but he was assassinated by explosives. Those behind the ugliest crime are about to be uncovered, so why is the STL being so fiercely attacked?” the MP wondered.

“We don’t wish anyone harm, but we want security and justice away from the rhetoric of treason,” he added.

“We’re not here to question anyone but the cabinet and its visible leaders and actual ones,” he remarked.

“Isn’t justice owed to the martyrs as the policy statement has only voiced initial support to the STL?” asked the opposition MP.

“We’re worried about Lebanon because it is being taken to where the Arabs are escaping from and being led to the rule of the party of weapons,” Hamadeh stated.

Addressing Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the MP said: “All we are looking forward to is jointly forming a special tribunal for Palestine and all the occupied Lebanese and Syrian territories so we can restore them.”

Turning to PSP leader and former ally MP Walid Jumblat: “The STL did not protect your father Kamal, but it did protect you when you became a target for assassination.”

“The STL isn’t anyone’s enemy, it is your ally to extract Lebanon from the claws of crime,” Hamadeh stressed.

Comments 9
Default-user-icon xen (Guest) almost 13 years

walla ya mrawan betdalak shoue 2azbat menno la waloudda
at least u didn't give orders to butcher people in the mountains of lebanon in the lebanese war
those people were innocent & didn't have weapond nor did anything wrong
God bless them
we will never forget

Default-user-icon Tricolore (Guest) almost 13 years

The people demand that this Israeli agent and Fabricator be arrested and hanged ASAP. Then. Miqati might give consideration to anything and everything.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) almost 13 years

look, the treasonous worm crawled out of his hole. Hey treasonous worm, explain us how come we got so many zionist agents in telecomunations networks in you mandate as a minister of telecomunications?

Default-user-icon Tricolore (Guest) almost 13 years

Can Mr. Fabrikante Ultimo translate this to us (thanks in advance):
الشقّ الأول:
- سحب ملف شهود الزور
- سحب الإستنابات القضائية السورية
- تعهّد الضباط الأربعة الذين اعتقلوا الاّ يتابعوا الموضوع لا في لبنان ولا خارجه
- عدم المسّ أو التهجّم على فريق الرئيس الحريري: ميرزا – ريفي – الحسن...
- المواكبة الإيجابية لكلّ خطواته أي ترك الحريري يحكم البلد حسبما يريد

الشقّ الثاني المسمّى بالشقّ السياسي:
- سحب السلاح الفلسطيني خارج المخيمات
- تحويل فرع المعلومات الى شعبة
- تغيير نظام التصويت في مجلس قيادة الأمن الداخلي
- ارسال 96 مشروع قانون المقرّة من حكومة السنيورة الى مجلس النواب دون امرارها الى حكومة الحريري
- نثبيت اتفاق الطائف
- معالجة البؤر الأمنية في الداخل

أمّا المطالب المقابلة حسب الوثيقة فهي:
- إعلان الغاء بروتوكول التعاون مع المحكمة الدولية
- وقف تمويل المحكمة
- سحب القضاة اللبنانيين من المحكمة

Default-user-icon Free Lebanon (Guest) almost 13 years

"...Those behind the ugliest crime are about to be uncovered, so why is the STL being so fiercely attacked?"

Easy. Because Nasrallah now rules the country and his puppets, Aoun and Miqati, dance when their strings are pulled.

Default-user-icon rolfen (Guest) almost 13 years

Tricolore, how many Israeli Fabricators you would like to have hanged? I think this can be arranged.
Looking forward to hear your reply.

Default-user-icon Louxembourg Bob (Guest) almost 13 years

This is the traitor that used to allow anyone access to phone taps and data during his time as telecommunication minister. And we notice how the assassinations stopped after he was no longer minister and only the Minister of Defense and Interior were allowed to request phone taps.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) almost 13 years

It was a great a and brave statement by Marwan Hamadeh, but it is made in vain. Lebanon is not governed or controlled by the Parliament, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Office of the Presidency nor the Council of Ministers. So the Policy Statement of the Council of Ministers is a meaningless document, as are all of the state institutions and the powers granted to them by the Lebanese Constitution.

Nasrallah spoke last week. He said to hell with the STL and dare anyone try to enforce its writ in Lebanon or Hezbollah will show why it is controlling Lebanon by rolling its weapons out on the street and killing Lebanese like Assad kills Syrians who would oppose his regime.

Let's face it folks, this is what we have. While silly politicians like Michel Aoun were playing their Lebanese political games, a serious actor, Hezbollah was advancing its agenda relentlessly through the BS.

So wake up, see what your political class has delivered to you.

Missing peace almost 13 years

""who's that guy to "demand" anything? yalla rja3 3a baytak ya 3ammo""

and who are you mowaten to demand an MP to shut up? it s his constitutionnal right to demand something from a gvt.

it s called democracy!

oh! i forgot = you don t know the meaning of this word....