‘Concerned’ France Expects Lebanese Cabinet to Allow STL to Play its Role


France said Friday it was "concerned" by the Lebanese government's attitude towards the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that will try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s suspected assassins.

Foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said France had noted Prime Minister Najib Miqati's promise that the cabinet would continue to cooperate with the STL.

"We are nevertheless concerned by the formulation used to refer to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which appears to cast doubt over the impartiality and the professionalism" of the court, he said.

On Thursday, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said he was expecting the Lebanese government to facilitate the work of the tribunal.

When asked about Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s rejection to hand over the four suspects against whom arrest warrants have been issued by the STL, Juppe said: “We had always expected the Lebanese cabinet to allow the STL from playing its role.”

“If that is not the case, we will draw lessons from it,” Juppe said during a press conference.

An Nahar daily said Friday that Paris believes there are different question marks on the cabinet’s policy statement on one hand and Miqati’s announcement that he was committed to the tribunal on the other.

Juppe is expected to visit Beirut, the newspaper said, adding that he would invite Miqati to Paris.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) almost 13 years

Dear Mr Juppé , or Teès cher Monsieur Juppé ,

Lebanon has other and better things to think of , than the STL . Like for instance , how the Lebanese are living , if they have enough food to eat , if they can live decently in their own homes without thanking the Arabs Saudis for that , if they can afford to send their children to schools , if they can pay their bills at the end of the month , if they can pay the hospital .....etc etc etc , everything they never had for the last 20 years , because of your political and financial blind support to the HARIRI's Father & son and " their " Siniora .

Thumb sasi almost 13 years

Le P, i think it is unfair to blame only Harriri and his bunch for the financial problems of Lebanon and the way Lebanon did not evolve.

You know well that the fight for power in Lebanon between religious sect has stopped any developpement in the last years. And to be honest, every single Lebanese never beleived in this country as a state, it is the wasta and your connections you beleive in.

let us not only judge them, be fair and say that all of us are corrupted. Did you ever ask for a wasta yourslf? if you did then you have contributed to this disaster. Have you ever thought that your hatred build more hatred toward you.

fine, lets say they are all what you say, they are still Lebanese, right? what should we do with the sunnites, the maronites that are against u? Fly them out?

Le phenicien, they are meant to co-exist all together, the problem is this whole rotten political class!

Default-user-icon Ferdinand (Guest) almost 13 years

Of course these liars want the STL to play it's role. They know it is a play, a lame farce produced, directed and acted by Friends-of-Israel with a hodgepodge of spies, criminals, crooks and corrupt individuals, Juppe and his likes being the promoters of this farce. The farce can go on as long as it wants. We shall sit back and laugh at how laughable it is.

Thumb bashir almost 13 years

Le Phenicien, name for us one Shia dominated country that is not a toilet? Just one, please. If you want no human rights, women treated like cattle, no freedom of expression, no freedom then Lebanon is heading in the right direction.

Thumb thepatriot almost 13 years

No worries! Berri is here to protect us from any corruption, abuse, and theft.
Hezbollah will now cover for the EDL bills they omitted to pay for the last three decades.
Michel Aoun will give back every penny he robbed.
And Bassil will no longer construct towers in Dahie!
Ahhhhh... don't we feel much safer now!
This criticism of the previous governments are just a make up for your personal failure!
Get over it already! and Get to work penissien!

Missing mabboud almost 13 years

The white man has just spoken. Funny that Juppe who is arming rebels in Libya against all international laws and the UN resolution and who with the NATO is actively participating to the killings of civilians in Afghanistan and Libya... needless to mention the Ivory Coast intervention is now telling us what we need to do. We have drawn already the lessons of imperialism and colonial attitude and you should ask your friends' army and yours to leave Afghanistan, Irak and Libya NOW, I mean, stop killing people before telling to others what to do. The STAL (A stands for Against) is worse than a farce-et-attrape. Like we say in France, Charite bien ordonee commence par soit meme.

Default-user-icon Nabil (Guest) almost 13 years

The days when only Lebanon follow "UN Resolutions" are over. Try Israel for a change.