Berri Warns of 'Deteriorating Security Situation, Dangerous Trends'


Speaker Nabih Berri on Wednesday warned of “the deteriorating security situation and some dangerous trends that are likely to shake general stability in the country.”

“Stability must remain the officials' top priority,” Berri said after his weekly meeting with MPs, noting that “the deterioration of security will leave major repercussions on all fields and junctures.”

Turning to the issue of the electoral law, Berri reiterated that “the 1960 law is dead and cannot be resurrected,” adding that “there are new factors that support this conclusion, such as failing to respect the constitutional timeframe for calling on expat voters to take part in the polls.”

Separately, Berri voiced regret over “the remarks voiced by Energy and Water Minister Jebran against a group of MPs who might have granted him their vote of confidence,” calling on everyone to be “careful when using such terms.”

Comments 3
Thumb geha 11 years

the security situation will deteriorate each day more as long as hizbushaitan is controlling the country.

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 11 years

Your are right Assteez but why didn't you see a dangerous trend back in the spring and summer when the Mekdaddios, pissed off drug dealers, kidnapers, friends of Syria and other assorted bandits from your bee2at al hadinat were running rampant and causing havoc with the security situation. Since 2006 people were calling for sending the army to control the Syrian border just like the southern border is controlled but your friends in Damascus, Iran and the ones hiding in the sewers flatly refused. Your allies and yourself control the government so do it now, everyone keeps begging you to do it but please Assteez no half-assed deployments and no pick and chose allowed do it properly.

Missing helicopter 11 years

They preach stability and they De-stabilize. They preach State while they pull the rug from underneath it. They preach unity and they divide. Thieves and Liars.